Monday, April 27, 2020

What Do Parents Need to Know About Social Media?

Children and teens are spending all of their time at home these days and are no doubt spending a lot of that time on social media. Social media can be a great tool to help children and teens stay connected with their friends and family. During this time of social distancing, families are sharing birthday celebrations via Facetime, friends are doing yoga together via Zoom, people are participating in exercise classes via livestream, and children are messaging eachother about their schoolwork. With so many options at our literal fingertips, it certainly helps pass the time and alleviate the isolation that so many people are feeling. 

But there are reasons to be wary about young people's use of social media too. The sheer number of networks and applications (apps) makes it very difficult to stay informed about who is using what and if there are security or safety concerns. 

A Few Basics

  1. Try to familiarize yourself with the various social networks that young people are actively using. 
  2. Remind them not to share personal information, passwords, or their location online.
  3. Talk to your children about the dangers and consequences of social media:
    • Cyberbullying is using online platforms to intimidate or harass others. Cyberbullying can involve sending mean messages or posting them on a public platform, deliberately excluding someone from a group message or chat, or sharing pictures or information without someone's permission. 
    • Sexting is sending sexually explicit messages or photos via email or chat.
  4. Let your children know that nothing they post is really private and not to post anything they would not want a family member, teacher, or anyone else to see. 
  5. Social media platforms have privacy settings. Make sure you check these regularly. 
This is a very general overview of a weighty topic. The following resources may be able to answer specific questions. All sites are reputable and have up-to-date information. 

A Word About Online Gaming

Many young people play online games like Fortnite and Roblox which have a social component to them and allow them to play in real time with other people across the world.  While the games may look simple enough- the ability to interact with strangers can be very concerning. There are ways to help keep your children safe so that they can enjoy playing games with their friends. The Internet Matters Gaming Advice Hub has many tips to help you navigate this 

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